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360 Degree Interpersonal Working Associates Inventory (IWAI)

360 Degree Interpersonal Working Associates Inventory (IWAI)

This online 360 degree feedback assessment measures the participant’s personal development in communication, teamwork, time and productivity, and work-related skills. In addition, the 360 degree feedback assessment measures present level of performance contrasted with required performance level!

This innovative 360 degree feedback assessment is anonymously completed by the participant, and up to ten respondents (participant’s work associates, including bosses, peers and staff). Upon completion of the 360 degree feedback assessment, a report is generated that can be used to support performance appraisals, measure training needs, and identify areas in need of development.

Optional: a Team Report can be generated if at least four participants complete the full 360 degree feedback assessment. There is no additional charge for this report.

Call for Pricing 412 344-2277

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