The Effective Presentation Workshop directs participants to demonstrate competence and behaviors for effective presentation. Specific techniques are given to help the participant understand the “how-to” of presentation. Having each participant give a series of presentations that are video taped develops presentation skills. Participants are educated in the use of visual aids (flip charts, overhead projector, graphics, etc.) and verbal aids (voice inflection, rate of speech, use of pauses, etc.). Individual strengths are developed to help each participant create his or her own style of effective presentation. Participants also learn successful techniques to design a presentation, utilize audience synergism (brainstorming, gathering information, effective participation, etc.), and learn how to effectively address questions and control nervousness. At the end of the workshop, each participant is given the videotape of his or her presentation for self-assessment.
Each participant will learn how to:
- Design a presentation,
- Demonstrate enhanced speaking skills,
- Effectively use visuals,
- Demonstrate how to ask and answer questions,
- Demonstrate enhanced meeting effectiveness,
- Continue to evaluate and improve future presentations.